Hijra: Story and Significance


HIJRA: STORY AND SIGNIFICANCE is a timely work in which Dr. Zakaria Bashier gives a moving account of the story of Hijra, a story of endurance and triumph in the face of seemingly insuperable adversity, of idealism and courageous faith in the possibility of a just and free Islamic state. Hijra symbolises the eternal imperative of Islam: to make the society submit to One God alone. As Muslims stand on the threshold of the fifteenth century of Hijra, Dr Bashier, stressing the multi-dimensional implications of Hijra, argues for the rebuilding of a fully aware consciousness and a truly independent Muslim community.

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Author: Zakaria Bashier

Binding: Soft cover


Size cm:15×21

Publisher: Kube (The Islamic Foundation)

Additional information

Weight .200 kg


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