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    Ideal Muslimah By Dr. Muhammad Ali Al-Hashimi


    The True Islamic Personality of the Muslim Woman as Defined in the Qur’an and Sunnah

    ‘How does Islam form her personality? How may her development reach such a high level that had never before been attained in the history of womankind, except in the religion of Islam?

    This is the question to which the reader will find the answer in the following pages. I ask Allah (SWT) to accept my work and make it purely for His sake. May He benefit others through it, make it a source of reward for me in this life and the next, and make it a help for me on the Day of Reckoning. May He guide me through it to what is right, and protect me from errors of thinking, bad intentions, slips of the pen, weakness of arguments and excessive verbiage. (Dr. Muhammad Ali al-Hashimi in the Preface to the First Edition)

    Contents :

    • Publisher’s Note 
    • Translator’s Foreword 
    • Preface to third edition 
    • Preface to first edition 
    • Chapter 1  : The Muslim Woman and her Rabb
    • Chapter 2  : The Muslim Woman and her Own Self
    • Chapter 3  : The Muslim Woman and her Parents 
    • Chapter 4  : The Muslim Woman and her Husband
    • Chapter 5  : The Muslim Woman and her Children
    • Chapter 6  : The Muslim Woman and her Sons and Daughers- In Law
    • Chapter 7  : The Muslim Woman and her Relatives
    • Chapter 8  : The Muslim Woman and her Neighbours
    • Chapter 9  : The Muslim Woman and her Friends and Sisters in Islam
    • Chapter 10: The Muslim Woman and her Community/Society  
    • Conclusion
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    Men & Women Around the Messenger Sa’d Yusuf Abu ‘Aziz


    The author has chosen one hundred personalities amongst the Companions.

    He compiled narrations, hadiths, and incidences that contributed to the distinction of these individuals who have no similitude in the history of mankind after the Prophets of Allah and His Messengers. Their excellence is further clearly established from the study of these individuals, their attributes, and their characters with which they were embellished. For this reason, they were from the best of people ever raised up for mankind.

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    Parent-Child Relations: A Guide To Raising Children (Full Colour)


    This easy-to-read, comprehensive guide contains what Muslims need to know on how to parent with confidence. Packed with advice and powerful tips, using the latest research on child development and parenting techniques, it offers a mine of information on how to let children flourish, take the frustration out of parenting, and develop happy family relations. Authors provide guidance on developing character, knowledge, values, and skills, as well as a faith-based outlook in children, benefitting parents with kids of all ages. The many strategies and techniques offered include: teaching children how to problem-solve, make decisions, and develop self-esteem. Raising God conscious, moral, successful children, with a sense of civic responsibility in today

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    Sincere Advice & Guidance to The Muslim Women and The Rulings of The Evils of The Wedding Celebrations


    Allah the Almighty wants you to be bashful, while the Shaiton and his party want you to be licentious and evil, Allah wants you to preserve your honor in your house, and to be a sincere partner to your husband, and to be an advising leader of the house and a skillful nurturer of the children and a trustworthy treasurer in the house of your husband; so that you will be honored and respected by your husband, your family and your relatives, and become a righteous individual in your society, but Shaiton and his party want you to be evil and wicked, they want you to seduce men and intermingle with them in offices, hotels, coffee cafes and workplaces, they want you to run after them in order to fulfill their desire, and the more you intermingle with men the worse your situation will get, until when you will become like a carcass bitten off by dogs whenever they want, or like prey that is surrounded by a bunch of wolves in a secluded area, what do you think the wolves will do to this prey!

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