Children Corner

Showing 73–84 of 197 results

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    A Muslim Girl’s Guide To Life’s Big Changes


    Contains advice about school life and social life to physical changes.

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    A Picnic Of Poems: In Allah’s Green Garden (Book And CD)


    A wonderful collection of 30 poems to keep the young and young at heart entertained for hours. These poems cover a number of topics including: Motherhood, Daily Prayers, Baby siblings, Life on a farm, the animal kingdom, Bullying, Ramadan, Mosques, appreciating nature and more. The book comes with an audio CD to sing along to these joyful yet educational poems. This book is a must for every household. a great contribution by Dawud Wharnsby.
    ‘Dawuds latest book A Picnic of Poems is another masterpiece of poetry that captures the essence of every child’s thoughts, hopes, dreams and fears, in the most colourful and imaginative way. It is a delectable treat for the whole family, filled with beautiful illustrations. Every part has a wonderful lesson to draw from and will provide all, young and old, with great guidance for generations to come.’ – Zain Bhika, South African, singer/songwriter.

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    A School Girl’s Hero By Umm Aamina


    or a couple of days the same question continued puzzling Anum; ‘Who do I aspire to be like?” Then, whilst she was busy helping her mum with chores it suddenly came to her.

    It now seemed so obvious, and she couldn’t believe it hadn’t come to her earlier. She told her family about her idea and they were all really impressed.

    But, Anum then began having second thoughts…..

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    A Whisper Of Peace (Book & CD)


    From the author of Colours of Islam and A Picnic of Poems this delightful collection is perfect to sing along to. It covers important themes in Islam – it’s message of peace, love of the Prophet Muhammad, God’s nearness and caring for and marvelling at the wonders of the world.

    It includes the classic songs A Whisper of PeaceAnimals Love to Read Qur’an and The Prophet.

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    Aisha: The Wife, The Companion, The Scholar


    This book portrays one of the most significant personalities in the history of Islam. Taking the misunderstandings and defamation about her into consideration, Aisha needs to be understood correctly.

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    Allah Gave Me A Nose To Smell


    A wonderful account of the sense of smell given to us by Allah, which can be explored endlessly with young children, encouraging them to give thanks to Allah

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    Allah Gave Me Two Eyes to See By Fatima M. D’Oyen


    This beautiful celebration of the five senses conveys the many gifts that Allah has bestowed on us and encourages the young child to always give thanks to our Creator. Full-colour illustrations.
    llah the Maker Series. Through rhymes and watercolour illustrations, this beautiful celebration of the five senses conveys the many gifts that Allah has bestowed on us.

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    Arabic Course for English Speaking Students: Vol 1


    A comprehensive and popular course for the teaching of the Qur’anic and Traditional Arabic, originally devised and taught at the renowned Madinah Islamic University, catering for the non-Arabic speaking students from all over the world.

    Over the years, this course has enabled students to become competent in their use of the Arabic language and to participate and benefit from scholarly pursuits such as Qur’anic exegeses, hadith, fiqh, sirah, history, and classical and modern Arabic literature.

    Learning classical Arabic effectively could not be more easier than this course of Madinah Islamic University. A tried and tested course over 40 years with a proven track record of success, it is ideal in terms of the topics covered and short time taken to learn. It is suitable for schools and colleges in the UK and other Western English speaking countries.

    Whilst there are now several courses available on the market for the teaching of the Arabic language, the unique features of this particular one are:

    It is very concise, consisting of only three books, all of which are short but extensive in their coverage.

    It combines modern Arabic vocabulary with Islamic terminology as used in the Qur’an and Sunnah.

    It covers all the essential Arabic grammatical rules in such a way that the student is spared the monotonous task of memorising them.

    The author presents Arabic as a living and vibrant language and takes examples from Arabic in everyday use, as also from the Qur’an and Sunnah, so that as the student learns the languages, he also acquires an understanding of hundreds of Qur’anic verses, ahadith, Arabic parables and poetry. This allows the student to become directly involved in the study of the Qu’ran and Sunnah while also acquiring a sound understanding of the Arabic language.

    About The Author

    Dr Abdur Rahim: An outstanding Scholar of Arabic Language and Literature, deeply learned in the Glorious Qur’an and Sunnah.

    Dr Abdur Rahim was born in the small town of Vaniyambadi in the state of Tamil Nadu, India in 1933. After finishing his secondary school studies, he joined Presidency College, University of Madras where he majored in English Language and Literature. He graduated in 1957. In 1964, he joined Al-Azhar University, Cairo, where he did his M.Phil. and PhD in Arabic Philology.

    It is to be noted that Abdur Rahim learnt Arabic by himself.

    In 1969, he joined the Islamic University of Madinah to teach Arabic Philology. Here, he was also associated with the Programme of teaching Arabic as a foreign language.

    The course he designed for this purpose is now known as دروسُ اللغةِ العربيةِ لـغير الناطقين بـها Durus al-Lughah al-‘Arabiyyah li-Ghair al-Natiqina Biha. (Now these books are popularly known throughout the world as “MADINAH BOOKS”).

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    Arabic Letters Activity Book


    This book will help get your child to LOVE learning to read the Quran

    • Is your child making slow progress through their Qaida?
    • Are they bored and frustrated in their lessons?
    • Do you find it hard to spare the time they need revising at home?

    If so, you’re probably worried this experience will associate bad memories with their Quran learning, which might even lead to them not reciting the Quran often when they are older, and then they’ll miss out on so much reward in this world and the hereafter, leaving you to feel frustrated, sad and regretful.

    You need a way to get your children excited about learning the Quran, speed up their learning progress exponentially, all from the comfort of your home, without needing to spend time teaching them.

    That will help them in making fun memories with learning the Quran, which will ensure they’ll recite it throughout their lives and benefit from the treasures of peace and guidance the Quran provides. And with that, you’ll feel at ease, happy and fulfilled with no regrets.

    What you’re looking for is something like the Arabic Alphabet Activity Book. At Learning Roots, we’ve been designing such solutions for children for over a decade.

    The Arabic Alphabet Activity Book makes learning fun through:

    • mazes
    • stickers
    • puzzles
    • spot the difference
    • matching games
    • sequence games
    • and so much more!

    All that fun gets your child super excited about the Arabic Letters, so they’ll love learning and look forward to lessons.

    The activity book covers letters in all their forms. Letters are the foundation blocks of words, so this makes the rest of their progress easier and faster, removing your frustration and building momentum in your child’s learning.

    Best yet, most of the activities are self-explanatory, so your kids can get stuck in the book, needing little supervision from you, leaving you stress-free with great results.

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    The Simple Seerah : The Story of Prophet Muhammad Part One and Two (Both)


    This is part one and two in the revolutionary series The Simple Seerah! It’s quite incredible when you think about it, that this book and many others like it are all written about a man who did not know how to read or write. The Prophet Muhammad is the most influential and loved human being to have ever walked the face of this earth. The things that he said and did over fourteen hundred years ago still impact the lives of billions around the world today. This series tells the story of Islam from the beginning; how an entire city tried to kill one man simply because he spoke the truth about God, calling for justice and the fair treatment of women and the poor. It is a tale of searching for truth, forming meaningful bonds beyond status or personal interest, and overcoming obstacles for the sake of the Almighty. Having dedicated much of his life to explaining the deeper meanings of the Qur’an to non-Arabic speakers, Ustadh Asim Khan has now taken on the challenge of relating the life of the Prophet Muhammad in true storytelling fashion. This style of the Seerah is yet to be experienced in the English language and promises to transport the reader back to the time of the Prophet and his Companions.

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