
Showing 73–84 of 122 results

  • 0 out of 5

    Enjoy Your Life


    Enjoy Your Life: The Art of Interpersonal Relations as Exemplified in The Prophet’s Biography is a comprehensive guide towards improving interpersonal skills and hence, enjoying life. The author, Dr Muhammad ‘Abdur-Rahmân al-‘Areefi (Al Arifi), writes: An enjoyable life entails learning and practising multiple skills; the few who truly apply them savour the success that comes with it. Of course, atop the list of the successful is the chief of humanity, Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him). His entire life was an ocean of pearls that I have scattered throughout the pages of this book. Enjoy Your Life! is not the product of an effort of a month or a year. Rather, it has resulted from the research that I devoted myself to for twenty years. I inscribed it with my tears, pouring my soul and squeezing my memories into it. I penned down various incidents involving the joy of our eyes – our first teacher, Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him). I highlighted his exceptional talents; his skills in dealing with people and enjoying his life. Enjoy Your Life! contains personal memories, real-life experiences, and incidents that I have publicised for the first time – praying that Allah, the Exalted, makes them a source of benefit for you. Enjoy Your Life! contains words that are straight from my heart, hoping to find a place in yours. It is the dearest and most beloved of my books. I ask Allah, the Exalted, to benefit others with it, make this effort solely for His sake, and amply reward all those who have contributed to spreading it. This book was translated into English for our readers by Mohammad Elshinawy

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    Unhealthy addictions and depression are widespread: some of us find the uncertainty and emotional darkness eating away at us. 700 years ago, a diligent Muslim scholar told of a cost-free, universal psychotherapeutic cure, writing: “Happiness comes with a sincere du’a.” He was Ibn Qayim Al Jawziya: his teacher was Ibn Taymiyyah . Riding on the coat-tails of our pious predecessors, we too seek routes to accepted prayers and eternal reward within the tradition of the Holy Qur’an and authentic ahadith (Prophetic sayings). This book builds on our debut A Handbook of Spiritual Medicine and isn’t simply a compilation of recommended du’as. Instead it is a carefully considered framework that aligns our emotions with the most beautiful du’as, all of which have a profound constructive purpose: the aim is to transport us smilingly and with noblest etiquette toward the ma’arifat (higher knowledge of Allah) and istiqaamah (steadfastness) that every Muslim seeks, deep down

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    Finding Peace In The Holy Land: A British Muslim Memoir, Lauren Booth


    Finding Peace in the Holy Land is a spiritual adventure story which begins in the quiet London suburb of Hampstead in the 1970s. Lauren’s father is a famous actor and political militant. Penniless and unable to pay the rent, he tells her that changing the world is the reason for living.

    After her early faith is shattered by a mysterious fire, Lauren paddles the shallows of celebrity life, where her political opinions pit her against the views of her brother-in-law, who just happens to be Prime Minister Tony Blair. This rare and relevant memoir is told with brisk honesty and sharp humour. It is a dramatic life story sweeping from the suburbs of North London to the olive groves of the Holy Land, from handball with Hamas to breaking a deadly siege by land and by sea.

    It tracks the singular journey of a one-time party girl and part-time Christian to the quiet, teetotal life of a devout believer in the teachings of the Arabian Prophet.


    Finding Peace in the Holy Land is a memoir by Lauren Booth, who is probably best well-known as Tony Blair’s sister-in-law. Beginning with her hilarious upbringing, and moving through her life as an actress, a political activist, and then a journalist and humanitarian, it is ultimately the story of how she came to Islam. –

    About The Author

    Lauren Booth has presented radio and TV series for amongst others; BBC Radio London, British Muslim TV, Press TV and the Islam Channel.

    She publishes articles across a wide platform and continues to tour internationally as a public speaker. Her talks focus on human rights, Islamophobia in the media, Palestinian justice and her own conversion to Islam.

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  • 0 out of 5

    Fortress Of The Muslim [Pocket Size Edition]


    Fortress Of The Muslim – Invocations From the Qur’an & Sunnah.

    Invocations from the Qur’an & Sunnah. Translation of Hisnul-Muslim. (aka ‘Citadel of the Believer’)

    This beautiful booklet consists of many authentic Dua’s (supplications) for a Muslim to supplicate on a daily basis and on special occasions.

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  • 0 out of 5

    Juzz Amma Journal


    Qur’an and Me Juzz Amma is a guided reflective journal that provides learners with unique opportunities to think deeply, connect personally with the Qur’an and grow in faith. It summarises each surah concisely and embeds the names and attributes of Allah and Du’a within each guided reflection. The Positive-Empowering-Proactive (PEP) questions and fundamental Islamic values on the journaling pages present a hands-on approach to implementing lessons learned from the Qur’an reflection.

    May this humble and sincere endeavour sow the seeds of faith in your heart and establish the Qur’an as an indispensable guide and companion in your life’s journey.

    Recommended! Makes a nice gift.

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    From my sister’s lips

    Original price was: €15.50.Current price is: €14.99.

    An extremely thought-provoking book that challenges Western preconceptions of Islamic women

    red from head to toe with only her eyes visible, the sight of a Muslim woman on a western city street rarely fails to provoke a strong reaction. Feelings of shock, horror, repulsion, pity or even fear are not uncommon. But have you ever wondered who it is behind the veil and what makes her tick? Ever wondered what her life is really like and whether her dreams, hopes and aspirations differ from yours? From My Sisters’ Lips offers a rare glimpse into the lives of a community of women, most of whom are converts to Islam, and invites you to share their joys, sorrows, convictions and faith.

    When Na’ima B Robert abandoned her western lifestyle and embraced Islam six years ago, it was not a decision taken lightly. Yet soon after she took her first tentative steps towards covering, she felt empowered; no longer judged on physical appearances alone, no longer seeking the approval to feel beautiful – or using her looks to wield power over men – the experience effected her greatly. Before long she grew in confidence and courage. As she says, ‘Something just clicked. I thought, “Good, don’t look; don’t compare me with your latest squeeze, don’t try and guess my measurements – my body is my own business!”‘
    From My Sisters’ Lips offers a glimpse into the lives of just some of the extraordinary women who, like herself, have chosen to live behind the veil. What emerges is a vivid and intimate portrait of a sisterhood; as they speak candidly and with conviction on a diverse range of subjects ranging from marriage to motherhood, stereotypes, submission and self-image, we hear the strong, proud voices of those who are seldom heard.

    Review “Extremely thought-provoking, this challenges Western preconceptions of Islamic women” ( Telegraph) “A stereotypical view paints Islam as a religion which represses women. But this is not the full picture, as Na’ima B. Robert argues in her new book” ( Daily Mail) “Spiritual awakening is at the core of this book… Robert shows how Islam has made a positive difference to the lives of women from wildly different backgrounds, with fascinating results”

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    Great Muslims of the West: The Lives, Thoughts and Achievements of the Most Influential Muslims of the West

    Original price was: €26.99.Current price is: €25.50.

    “[A] work of great synthesis. . . . [It] argues that the ‘makers of Western Islam’ have not only enriched Islam but also humanity in general. This book is an important and timely contribution.”—Dr. Enes Karic, Professor at the Faculty of Islamic Studies, University of Sarajevo, and former Minister of Education, Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina

    “[An] unusually informative, inspiring and timely contribution. Essential reading for Muslims and non-Muslims, Easterners and Westerners alike.”—Dr. Syed Mahmudul Hasan, F.R.A.S. historian, author, and formerly Professor of Islamic History and Culture at the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh

    Muslims have lived in the “West” for hundreds of years, yet the lives of all but a few are little known. In this illuminating work, Muhammad Mojlum Khan sets out to change this by revealing the lives and impact of over fifty significant Muslims, from the founder of Muslim Spain in the eighth century to Muhammad Ali today. This extraordinary book features biographies on the enslaved African Prince Ayuba Sulaiman Diallo, who was put to work in the tobacco fields of Maryland; Alexander Russell Webb, the voice of Muslims in Victorian America; and W.D. Muhammad, Elijah Muhammad’s son, who converted the Nation of Islam’s followers to an authentic version of Islam.

    Muhammad Mojlum Khan was born in 1973 in Habigong, Bangladesh, and was brought up and educated in England. He is a literary critic, prolific writer, and a researcher in Islamic thought and history. He has published over 100 essays and articles on Islam, comparative religion, contemporary thought, and current affairs, and has been a regular contributor to The Muslim News. He has published two major works: The Muslim 100 and The Muslim Heritage of Bengal.

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  • 0 out of 5

    Heaven Under Your Feet


    Pregnancy is an ultimate time to turn to Allah. Not only is it a physical process, it is also a spiritual and emotional journey filled with excitement and apprehension. Heaven Under Your Feet accompanies sisters along this beautiful phase in life.

    Whilst there is lots of advice-packed literature out there for the expectant mother, this book broaches the subject from the perspective of a Muslimah, addressing the thoughts and concerns of someone looking for an Islamic viewpoint on what is a unique and special moment in her life.

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    ICO Islamic Studies Grades 10 Student’s Textbook Part 1 & 2


    There are five content areas in the book:

    1. ‘Aqeedah (Islamic doctrine)
    2. The Glorious Qur’an and its sciences
    3. Seerah (biography of the Prophet) and Islamic History
    4. ‘Ibaadaat (Worship and Rituals)
    5. Morals and manners

    The material is presented using a spiral approach, where students revisit each area and study it in greater depth each year.
    The Student’s Textbook contains the subject text of the lessons, exercises as well as activities.

    The ICO project is a distinguished one because:

    1. Our curricula meet the needs of the target audience for integrated, coherent, and appropriate curricula.
    2. They were prepared according to scientific bases, assimilating the most recent educational and psychological theories.
    3. They were prepared by special educationists who are experienced in designing curricula and who are familiar with the needs of the target group.
    4. They employed the most recent techniques and educational aids.
    5. They went through many quality control processes, which were carried out by specialized committees, and they were enhanced by teachers who evaluated the curricula before releasing them.

    The Features and Characteristics of the Textbooks:

    These books were prepared by the International Curricula Organization (ICO) and have certain features, which distinguish them from any other textbooks:

    First: The Technical Features:

    1. The textbooks have been designed in accordance with the international quality standards in all aspects: colors, paper, size, illustration, and printing.
    2. They have been furnished with the appropriate illustrations and pictures which match the students’ educational stage and environment.
    3. The texts have been distributed and organized in a way that makes the text stand out, paying special attention to the font type and size, and the spaces; and colors were chosen carefully to appeal to the target audience.

    Second: The Instructional and Linguistic Features:

    1. Reinforce the proper linguistic basis of the non-Arabic speaking students.
    2. They build the students’ linguistic dictionary according to their environmental needs.
    3. Provide non-Arabic speaking students with a good deal of Islamic vocabulary.
    4. Identify the correct articulation of the different sounds through the study of the Glorious Qur’an.
    5. Enable the students to evade making mistakes when reciting the Glorious Qur’an through employing the rules of the Arabic language.
    6. Provide an integrated curriculum with well-prepared scientific content and vocabulary.
    7. Take into consideration the students’ individual mental differences and their diverse linguistic skills.
    8. Consider the students’ different cultures.
    9. Develop the students’ creativity and mental faculties.

    Third: The Educational Content Features:

    1. Reinforce the principle of forgiveness and the etiquette of disagreement with others.
    2. Develop the spirituality, morality, and values of the students.
    3. Help students have good and balanced personalities.
    4. Develop the students’ pride in their Muslim identity.
    5. Help the caller to Islam to develop a balanced personality that reflects the moderation of Islam.
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  • 0 out of 5

    ICO Islamic Studies Grades 11 Student’s Textbook Part 1 & 2


    There are five content areas in the book:

    1. ‘Aqeedah (Islamic doctrine)
    2. The Glorious Qur’an and its sciences
    3. Seerah (biography of the Prophet) and Islamic History
    4. ‘Ibaadaat (Worship and Rituals)
    5. Morals and manners

    The material is presented using a spiral approach, where students revisit each area and study it in greater depth each year.
    The Student’s Textbook contains the subject text of the lessons, exercises as well as activities.

    The ICO project is a distinguished one because:

    1. Our curricula meet the needs of the target audience for integrated, coherent, and appropriate curricula.
    2. They were prepared according to scientific bases, assimilating the most recent educational and psychological theories.
    3. They were prepared by special educationists who are experienced in designing curricula and who are familiar with the needs of the target group.
    4. They employed the most recent techniques and educational aids.
    5. They went through many quality control processes, which were carried out by specialized committees, and they were enhanced by teachers who evaluated the curricula before releasing them.

    The Features and Characteristics of the Textbooks:

    These books were prepared by the International Curricula Organization (ICO) and have certain features, which distinguish them from any other textbooks:

    First: The Technical Features:

    1. The textbooks have been designed in accordance with the international quality standards in all aspects: colors, paper, size, illustration, and printing.
    2. They have been furnished with the appropriate illustrations and pictures which match the students’ educational stage and environment.
    3. The texts have been distributed and organized in a way that makes the text stand out, paying special attention to the font type and size, and the spaces; and colors were chosen carefully to appeal to the target audience.

    Second: The Instructional and Linguistic Features:

    1. Reinforce the proper linguistic basis of the non-Arabic speaking students.
    2. They build the students’ linguistic dictionary according to their environmental needs.
    3. Provide non-Arabic speaking students with a good deal of Islamic vocabulary.
    4. Identify the correct articulation of the different sounds through the study of the Glorious Qur’an.
    5. Enable the students to evade making mistakes when reciting the Glorious Qur’an through employing the rules of the Arabic language.
    6. Provide an integrated curriculum with well-prepared scientific content and vocabulary.
    7. Take into consideration the students’ individual mental differences and their diverse linguistic skills.
    8. Consider the students’ different cultures.
    9. Develop the students’ creativity and mental faculties.

    Third: The Educational Content Features:

    1. Reinforce the principle of forgiveness and the etiquette of disagreement with others.
    2. Develop the spirituality, morality, and values of the students.
    3. Help students have good and balanced personalities.
    4. Develop the students’ pride in their Muslim identity.
    5. Help the caller to Islam to develop a balanced personality that reflects the moderation of Islam.
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  • 0 out of 5

    ICO Islamic Studies Grades 12 Student’s Textbook Part 1 & 2


    There are five content areas in the book:

    1. ‘Aqeedah (Islamic doctrine)
    2. The Glorious Qur’an and its sciences
    3. Seerah (biography of the Prophet) and Islamic History
    4. ‘Ibaadaat (Worship and Rituals)
    5. Morals and manners

    The material is presented using a spiral approach, where students revisit each area and study it in greater depth each year.
    The Student’s Textbook contains the subject text of the lessons, exercises as well as activities.

    The ICO project is a distinguished one because:

    1. Our curricula meet the needs of the target audience for integrated, coherent, and appropriate curricula.
    2. They were prepared according to scientific bases, assimilating the most recent educational and psychological theories.
    3. They were prepared by special educationists who are experienced in designing curricula and who are familiar with the needs of the target group.
    4. They employed the most recent techniques and educational aids.
    5. They went through many quality control processes, which were carried out by specialized committees, and they were enhanced by teachers who evaluated the curricula before releasing them.

    The Features and Characteristics of the Textbooks:

    These books were prepared by the International Curricula Organization (ICO) and have certain features, which distinguish them from any other textbooks:

    First: The Technical Features:

    1. The textbooks have been designed in accordance with the international quality standards in all aspects: colors, paper, size, illustration, and printing.
    2. They have been furnished with the appropriate illustrations and pictures which match the students’ educational stage and environment.
    3. The texts have been distributed and organized in a way that makes the text stand out, paying special attention to the font type and size, and the spaces; and colors were chosen carefully to appeal to the target audience.

    Second: The Instructional and Linguistic Features:

    1. Reinforce the proper linguistic basis of the non-Arabic speaking students.
    2. They build the students’ linguistic dictionary according to their environmental needs.
    3. Provide non-Arabic speaking students with a good deal of Islamic vocabulary.
    4. Identify the correct articulation of the different sounds through the study of the Glorious Qur’an.
    5. Enable the students to evade making mistakes when reciting the Glorious Qur’an through employing the rules of the Arabic language.
    6. Provide an integrated curriculum with well-prepared scientific content and vocabulary.
    7. Take into consideration the students’ individual mental differences and their diverse linguistic skills.
    8. Consider the students’ different cultures.
    9. Develop the students’ creativity and mental faculties.

    Third: The Educational Content Features:

    1. Reinforce the principle of forgiveness and the etiquette of disagreement with others.
    2. Develop the spirituality, morality, and values of the students.
    3. Help students have good and balanced personalities.
    4. Develop the students’ pride in their Muslim identity.
    5. Help the caller to Islam to develop a balanced personality that reflects the moderation of Islam.
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  • 0 out of 5

    ICO Islamic Studies Grades 8 Student’s Textbook Part 1 & 2


    There are five content areas in the book:

    1. ‘Aqeedah (Islamic doctrine)
    2. The Glorious Qur’an and its sciences
    3. Seerah (biography of the Prophet) and Islamic History
    4. ‘Ibaadaat (Worship and Rituals)
    5. Morals and manners

    The material is presented using a spiral approach, where students revisit each area and study it in greater depth each year.
    The Student’s Textbook contains the subject text of the lessons, exercises as well as activities.

    The ICO project is a distinguished one because:

    1. Our curricula meet the needs of the target audience for integrated, coherent, and appropriate curricula.
    2. They were prepared according to scientific bases, assimilating the most recent educational and psychological theories.
    3. They were prepared by special educationists who are experienced in designing curricula and who are familiar with the needs of the target group.
    4. They employed the most recent techniques and educational aids.
    5. They went through many quality control processes, which were carried out by specialized committees, and they were enhanced by teachers who evaluated the curricula before releasing them.

    The Features and Characteristics of the Textbooks:

    These books were prepared by the International Curricula Organization (ICO) and have certain features, which distinguish them from any other textbooks:

    First: The Technical Features:

    1. The textbooks have been designed by the international quality standards in all aspects: colours, paper, size, illustration, and printing.
    2. They have been furnished with the appropriate illustrations and pictures which match the students’ educational stage and environment.
    3. The texts have been distributed and organized in a way that makes the text stand out, paying special attention to the font type and size, and the spaces; and colours were chosen carefully to appeal to the target audience.

    Second: The Instructional and Linguistic Features:

    1. Reinforce the proper linguistic basis of the non-Arabic speaking students.
    2. They build the students’ linguistic dictionaries according to their environmental needs.
    3. Provide non-Arabic speaking students with a good deal of Islamic vocabulary.
    4. Identify the correct articulation of the different sounds through the study of the Glorious Qur’an.
    5. Enable the students to evade making mistakes when reciting the Glorious Qur’an by employing the rules of the Arabic language.
    6. Provide an integrated curriculum with well-prepared scientific content and vocabulary.
    7. Take into consideration the students’ mental differences and their diverse linguistic skills.
    8. Consider the students’ different cultures.
    9. Develop the students’ creativity and mental faculties.

    Third: The Educational Content Features:

    1. Reinforce the principle of forgiveness and the etiquette of disagreement with others.
    2. Develop the spirituality, morality, and values of the students.
    3. Help students have good and balanced personalities.
    4. Develop the students’ pride in their Muslim identity.
    5. Help the caller to Islam to develop a balanced personality that reflects the moderation of Islam.
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